Small to Medium Commercial Business & Investors
What do small start-ups and large corporations share in common?
Give up?
The answer is simple – risk. No matter how successful you are, disaster can strike at any time and damage everything you worked hard to build up. The risk list is a long one, from fire and flood to theft, accidental damage and even personal injury to an employer, employee or customer.
That’s why it is important for SME business owners to have insurance that suits their business activities. It's not just about having insurance, but the right insurance coverage.
Remember, your commercial property or business is unique – PSC Property Lync is here to help you.
Please read the insurer’s Product Disclosure Statement/Policy Wording(s) to familarise yourself with the covers, limits, excesses, conditions and exclusions therein and to ensure the policy meets your needs. Please contact us to obtain a copy of the relevant PDS.
Business Pack Insurance
Insured Property e.g. fire, storm, lightning, water damage, accidental damage
Business Interruption (Gross Profit or Revenue)
General Property
Employee Dishonesty (Fidelity Guarantee)
Machinery Breakdown
Electronic Equipment
Tax Audit
Legal Liability to Third Parties
Management Liability
Commercial Property Insurance
Insured Propertye.g. Fire, storm, lightning, water damage, accidental damage
Business Interruption (Loss of Rental and Outgoings)
Machinery Breakdown
Workers Compensation
Legal Liability.
Industrial Special Risks Insurance
Covers high value assets or property sums insured for a broad policy for replacement value of the asset/property including extensions such as Accidental Loss or Damage not otherwise excluded, money, theft, customers goods, suppliers premises as well as other endorsements that are specific to the risk.
Contract Works Insurance
Protects your property whilst in construction, as well as building upgrades and alternations.
Business Interruption
Protects business income and profits following a loss whereby the business is unable to trade for a period from, during and after re-opening.
Protects you against theft, fraud and dishonesty on the premises.
Theft &/or Burglary
Protects your business from theft and break-ins that result in damage or stolen items.
Electronic Equipment
Covers you against unforeseen damage not otherwise excluded specifically relating to computers and electrical equipment.
Machinery Breakdown
Covers you against unforeseen damage not otherwise excluded to machinery including a lift or working equipment
Provides protection against your presence online including social engineering, which is the art of manipulating, influencing or deceiving in order to gain control over the computer system. The hacker might use the phone, email, snail mail or direct contact to gain illegal access. Phishing, spear phishing and CEO Fraud are all examples. Can be extended to include Third Parties and Business Interruption
Legal & Products Liability
Offers protection in scenarios where you as a property owner or your business including the actions of your employees, including any products or services you produce, cause bodily injury or property damage to third parties where you are held negligent for causing.
Workers Compensation
Provide cover for employees or deemed workers or Working Director as defined by the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 or as amended
Individual or Corporate Travel
Covers you against risks associated with travel including cancellation, overseas medical expenses, COVID, loss of deposits or baggage, kidnap and ransom.
Covers any registered vehicle, plant, truck or trailer in the event of an accident not otherwise excluded and legal liability to third parties. The covers available are fully comprehensive, fire &/or theft and liability or liability only.
Provides cover when transporting equipment, goods or services.
General Property
Covers the cost of unspecified or specified property normally carried on or about for the purposes of business, anywhere in Australia or Worldwide
Professional Indemnity
Covers the cost of compensating clients for loss or damage resulting from an error or omission in providing a service or advice provided by a business or an individual.
Management Liability Insurance
This covers not only wrongful alleged acts against the Directors and/or Officers including outside directorships but also provides some cover for the Company. Can also elect to have protection for Employers Practices Liability, Crime and statutory Liabilility.