What is defined as Fixtures /Fittings within a Strata complex?
As an Owner, it may be difficult to define but a good rule of thumb is if it’s attached to the building, it’s a fixture/fitting. If you can pick it up and take it with you, it’s personal contents.
What is Lot Owners contents?
Removable content and chattels are for example moveable furniture, carpets, rugs, personal belongings, floating floors (unless insured by the strata insurance policy), dishwashers, washing machine.
What does the strata manager do.
A strata manager manages the strata building and it’s common property for the members of the strata. Their duties do not extend inside a Lot for maintenance, repair or replacement other than to enforce the strata’s By-Laws and arrange repairs on a Lot boundary that impacts common property or other units. An example of this is a leaking shower drain which causes water ingress to a unit below.
What is Your Legal Liability Exposure as an Owner?
As an Owner you also have a legal liability to Third Parties arising out of the use of your Lot. Whether you live in your Lot or you lease your property to a tenant, it is important to ensure that you have insurance protection which includes legal liability for a certain amount. Generally when you buy residential contents insurance or Landlords insurance, both policies will provide cover for legal liability insurance.
Does your tenant need insurance?
A tenant living in strata should have contents insurance for themselves, similarly to cover their own contents, but also their legal liability. A tenant can become liable to the Strata Company for negligent claims that encroach beyond the confines of the Lot and extend to common property or within the Lot where the damage was caused by the tenant.