Strata Insurance
With so many strata insurance products on the market, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. At first, the easy solution may seem to be a simple price comparison. Line up the products, sort them from cheapest to most expensive, and pick your policy.
But while that might protect your back pocket, is it really protecting your community?
At PSC Property Lync, we’re here to help you choose the right cover, at the right price. Armed with over 60 years’ of combined strata insurance experience, we know the risks faced by strata companies and can tailor transparent insurance solutions around your statutory obligations.
The Strata Titles Act dictates a range of insurance obligations that all Strata Companies are required to adhere to.
Sections of Strata Insurance
Insured Property
Covers building and common area contents against accidental loss or damage.
Legal Liability
Covers legal liability of a strata company to pay compensation for personal injury or property damage that arises due to negligence.
Workers Compensation
Provides cover for employees or extended workers through workers compensation insurance, as defined by the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981.
Voluntary Workers
Covers voluntary workers who sustain bodily injury while voluntarily working on behalf of a strata company. This policy typically has a limited schedule of benefits and policies vary on these limits.
Fidelity Guarantee
Coverage for fraudulent misappropriation of strata company funds, once all avenues of recovery have been exhausted and deemed fraudulent.
Office Bearers Legal Liability
Provides coverage for office bearers and committee members against legal liability to pay compensation for wrongful acts, errors or omissions in carrying out the duties of the strata company.
Machinery Breakdown
Provides protection against unforeseen damage to machinery, either electrical or fuel generated.
Provides protection against escalation of building costs that occur as result of a catastrophe event, such as cyclone.
Government Audit Costs, Common Property Health and Safety Breaches and Legal Defence Expenses
Covers professional costs and legal expenses.
Lot Owners - Fixtures and Improvements
Covers accidental loss or damage to upgrades or renovations installed by lot/unit owners that may not have been included in the building valuation.
Loss of Market Value
Provides indemnity in a total loss situation where the building was unable to be rebuilt due to changes in town planning zoning laws. This cover provides a market value and is in addition to the reinstatement valuation, where shortfall exists due to an inability to rebuild the property.